Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Ultimate Spider-Man - Miles Morales

Well, will you dig the heck out of this... As a part of Marvel's comic book line up Ultimate Spiderman, which occurs in an alternate universe where Peter Parker dies, Spider man, one of the most recognizable superhero on the planet, is a black kid from Brooklyn. Axel Alonso, the new editor and chief of Marvel Comics, pulled the trigger... Never thought I'd see the day. I honestly ain't the biggest comic book reader but I can't think of ANY mainstream character of Spiderman's caliber EVER becoming anything CLOSE to black - not Superman, not Batman, not Iron Man, not Captain America. Nobody. Yes, there are black characters in the comic book worlds but this is the first time, in my short life, that I can recall this happening. Check out he video below.

There have been some comic book "purist" already up in arms about this, which is expected, but according to the new editor, many are welcoming it with open arms. Read the full write up here. The Ultimate Spiderman 4 is on stands now!