Lately there have been an influx of articles talking about how more and more establishments aren't allowing kids anymore, and I got to thinking... We have an aging population, a relatively low birthrate (I believe the black race is actually shrinking), the economy will (probably) begin being shot to hell in a couple of days - making it difficult for some couples to afford kids, and now these companies are making it difficult to even have kids with you by restricting where you can and cannot go with them? So its time to find a babysitter... one that's not a killer or a child molester or working two jobs themselves already to be able to afford the roof over their head. It almost seems as if there is an underlying agenda or some wicked form of population control.
After the conversions I've been having with some of my peers, I've determined that people have mixed emotions about the movement. On one side, when you wanna have a nice time at a middle class restaurant with that special someone (or just some friends if you're lonely), the last thing you want is some kid screaming and running around in full panic mode cause their parents wouldn't let them wear their Spiderman pajamas to the restaurant with their light up Sketchers. On the other side, well mannered kids are great. You have one good talk with them before you get inside whatever building you plan on going to, threaten them with death (not seriously) if they try you in public - keeping in mind that kids will be kids and, MOST of the time, bringing the kids along for the journey doesn't alter the experience enough to the point where they have to be completely restricted. So far, according to the article, there have been movements to ban kids at airlines, restaurants, movies, and even grocery stores.
Here's my honest opinion:
Airlines? Stop. People have to travel. The airline is loosing money by banning kids. Charge extra for kids if you wanna deter people from bringing them (and even THAT'S ridiculous), but don't ban the kids.
Restaurants? For restaurants I say "you know your kid". Most kids I know do pretty good in restaurants to the point where its not a problem to bring them to the restaurant at all. With that being said... If you know your kid is bad and there is somethin on the menu that YOU cant pronounce, its probably too fancy for the kids. I aint saying its cool for restaurants to ban them; I'm saying "make smart decisions." They're not gonna eat the food and, out of consideration for the other people who are ALSO spending their well earned dimes, leave the kids at grandma's house or go to Applebee's where the environment is a little more "relaxed".
Movies? For PG13 and up movies after 9pm, leave the toddlers home. They won't remember them and more than likely they'll fall asleep. They don't need to see certain stuff anyways. But everything else? Kids are cool. AND they give you an excuse to go see those kid moves that YOU really wanna see but don't wanna go in by yourself cause you're grown. Despicable Me was awesome.
Grocery stores? This is just stupid. I'm not even gonna address this. Instead, I'm gonna replace it with work.
Work? LEAVE THE KIDS HOME! I don't care how old they are. Leave them home. ESPECIALLY if its anything close to being considered "Corporate America".
But maybe Im wrong... What do you think?
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